Licenciatura: Universidade de GuarulhosTécnico: Guia de Turismo Bilingue, Professor de Futebol.Graduaçao: Ingles,Turismo Sustentavel.
Ubicación de mis clases
Guarulhos · Mairiporã · São Paulo
Perfil de Mauro. Alves De Araujo.
Sobre mim
Minhas aulas
Sobre mim
Dear Sir or Madam, I wish to apply for the post of private English Teacher,also, I am a Teacher of Geography,History MEC 128005\SP besides a self employed bilingual Tour Guide EMBRATUR 1902572\SP. I've been in touch with English since the 1980's when s I studied it,I'd like to give conversation classes because I use to talk to my foreign friends from all over the world in this language throu...
Dear Sir or Madam, I wish to apply for the post of private English Teacher,also, I am a Teacher of Geography,History MEC 128005\SP besides a self employed bilingual Tour Guide EMBRATUR 1902572\SP. I've been in touch with English since the 1980's when s I studied it,I'd like to give conversation classes because I use to talk to my foreign friends from all over the world in this language through facebook,skype every single day. On the other hand, I want to comeback to the formal labor market because I was taken more of our beloved,dear Mother Ana because a cerebro vascular accident(cvc),sadly,she didn't survived it. You can always count on my Professionalism and Honesty. Awainting your reply and thanking you in advance. Sincerely, Mauro Alves de Araujo(11)