Perfil de Fábio Kawanami

Sobre mim
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Sobre mim

Hello, how are you? I am Fabio, 54, graduated in Business Administration here at UNISO, University of Sorocaba and a MBA from UNINTER. I am technical support expert, acted as technical manager in computer equipment remarketing.

I love chess game and reading books, magazines and tech sites and places that makes we think about our lives improvement like EusSoul project at Youtube; I feel great wh...
Hello, how are you? I am Fabio, 54, graduated in Business Administration here at UNISO, University of Sorocaba and a MBA from UNINTER. I am technical support expert, acted as technical manager in computer equipment remarketing.

I love chess game and reading books, magazines and tech sites and places that makes we think about our lives improvement like EusSoul project at Youtube; I feel great when carrying out projects, build, lead and motivate teams and when achieving good results. Give me a glance about You and maybe we can provide our professional collaboration and mutual personal growth.
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Aulas de Reforço escolar Dou aulas de Informática, Computação, Inglês técnico Sorocaba
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